Otago Experience: 1 Year

Total Experience: 7 years


  • Non-Destructive Pavement Testing Analysis & Bearing Capacity Evaluation

  • Pavement Condition Index Evaluation (PCI)

  • GIS Analysis & Data Integration

  • Pavement Modelling and Remaining Life Prediction

Iacopo Malquori

Senior Pavement and Transport Engineer

MSc (Transport Engineering)

Iacopo is an enthusiastic pavement and transport engineer with an international background. He spent most of his career in Europe, where he gained a lot of experience with many different pavement surveys techniques, starting from on-field data collection to data analysis and client data delivery.

In the last few years he specialized in pavement structural evaluation and LCMS data collection, analysis and interpretation. He became highly skilled in airfield pavement evaluation, along with roads and harbours, through extensive international surveys, data analysis, and project leadership.

Bringing his expertise to GeoSolve, Iacopo oversees the quality assessment of non-destructive testing throughout the whole process. Working closely with the clients he’ll maintain integration, advancement and implementation of R&D solutions, coordinating between the pavement development and pavement analytics teams, always trying to meet the client’s expectations.

Contact Iacopo regarding:

  • LCMS Surveys/Data Analysis

  • PCI Evaluation

  • Pavement Modelling


Branch: Cromwell
Email: Click to Contact