Multi Speed Deflectometer (MSD)

The MSD is a new traffic speed structural pavement survey device developed by GeoSolve for screening road networks at network level. The MSD consists of an instrumented tyre mounted to a short (2 to 3 axle) wheel base truck, enabling access to winding rural and constrained urban roads. It can also survey at anytime of the year, particularly in winter-spring periods, when the pavement is at it's most critical condition, unlike alternative laser based solutions which require fine weather for testing.

GeoSolve has a number of presentations and published papers on the MSD.

An introduction presentation to the MSD can be found here. If you are interested in the full presentation please contact Stephen Wormald.

Papers on the MSD include (click on the links below to access the full papers):

The Multi-Speed Deflectometer: New technology developed for traffic speed non-destructive structural testing of pavements.  L. Grimshaw and G. Salt, Pavement Analytics Group, GeoSolve Ltd, New Zealand  and A. Marradi, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering. Università di Pisa.

Pavement Structural Performance: Predicting Remaining Life Using Rapid Non-Destructive Testing. G. Salt & L. Grimshaw, Pavement Analytics Group, GeoSolve Ltd, New Zealand and A. Marradi, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering. Università di Pisa.
