As part of proposed plan changes to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (Water Plan), ORC seek to set allocation limits and minimum flows for the Cardrona catchment. Water storage is one option to off-set any potential restrictions under a future minimum flow regime by using stored water directly for irrigation or for releasing back into the Cardrona River or tributaries to supplement the natural flows, allowing irrigation abstractions to be maintained.
The objective of this pre-feasibility assessment was to provide concept level identification and assessment of potential water storage sites within the study area, including indicative estimates of storage volumes & costs, and preliminary PIC assessments.
The assessment considered the hydrological, geological, natural hazards, dam safety and economic considerations to identify preferred locations and storage arrangements for further work.
Both gully and paddock dams options were evaluated which would allow individual land owners to directly irrigate their property. Larger community flow enhancement dams could supplement river flows during drier periods, allowing irrigation abstractions while still maintaining minimum flows. Alternative options such as direct pumping was also be considered.
A copy of the report can be downloaded here: rp-160825.pdf